About Me…

Taking Teddy for a walk at Biltmore

What about me? I like to write. I don’t like to be edited (who does?), so a blog is the perfect vehicle for creative expression. Of course, anyone can comment on a blog post, so you’re never writing in a vacuum, either (rats!).

In any case, I’m an Ashevillain–a real Ashevillain, from the fabled town of Asheville, North Carolina. (There aren’t too many of us “from here” any more, so don’t ask about the secret handshake.) Yes, I do prefer it spelled “villain” rather than the more correct “villian” (for one who resides in a town ending in -ville). It’s not that I’m particularly villainous, but I like the edge. Reminds me of my Sam Cobra doll from childhood. He was good-guy doll Johnny West’s evil nemesis in the early 70s. His body was a molded black cowboy ensemble and he had a bad-guy mustache and goatee. Good times!

Forgive the sidebar–but that’s the beauty of writing. The sidebar is often the meat of the story, and you won’t get down close to the bone unless you take the time to follow said sidebar or rabbit trail, which usually loops back on itself at some point and steers you back on track.  Sort of.

I like to gom & yow–good food just naturally leads to interesting conversation, in my experience. I suppose I’m voracious, truth be known. I like other things, too: finding out interesting stuff, traveling, tasting, reading, writing fiction (actually, I write non-fiction–I just don’t let my family read it and get mad at me for spilling the beans. There are some pretty funky beans to spill, sometimes, but that’s just a fact of life in the South), and lots of other things. If I think of them, maybe I’ll blog about them.

Some people don’t know I blog; they think I work for corporate America. I do. Both. There’s probably a secret handshake for that, too. I’m sure I’ll continue to work on this page as I figure out what I want to blog about. Life, like writing, takes time, takes rabbit trails. Follow my tracks, if you like, or better yet, make your own.


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Thanks for the mention in your story on the new City Market! We’d love to have you come visit the farm – it is, indeed, a special place.

    We’re also proud to mention that Scott Adams’ (Blackwater Grill fame) rabbit recipe (mentioned in a different post) will feature our hormone and antibiotic free rabbit, an integral part of what we do here on the farm!

  2. Thanks, Walter, for reading my blog and for your nice invitation! I look forward to heading out your way one of these nice summer days, and good luck to your rabbit product as it goes into competition in Scott’s “Best Dish” recipe!

  3. Shelly says:

    You are so creative Jean. I enjoy your travels..:) I don’t get out much.

  4. Sherri says:

    You are such a beautiful writer!

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